Part V

I can barely remember I- IV.

**Weekends 15-20**

Writing Your Key Scenes

Road Trip Map GIF by Atlanta - Find & Share on GIPHY
You are old if you have ever used a paper map. Man- I am O.L.D.

If you turn down a road where nothing looks familiar, no landmarks, or GPS, there’s a mighty good chance you will make some wrong turns. Or you’re lost. I would be lost. Like, totally lost. But take that same street the next day and you will wonder what the big deal was. Why? Because your mind drew you a map from the day before. You are keying in on things you saw, and they now look familiar.

What the heck does this have to do with what we are covering? That’s what we are doing. Drawing ourselves a map of our novel. Whether it’s your first or fourteenth, we all need a clear map to get us there. We are using tools like Aristotle’s incline, pace set by our story lines, points of interest using scenarios, and now we will add key scenes. Aren’t you happy you stumbled upon this blog? You know you are. You can admit it.

permatasarianggi — When I drink too much coffee.

Well, good day to you. How are you this lovely morning/ afternoon/ evening? <–Not sure what time it is where you are so I thought I would cover all the bases. It is 8 in the morning and I am in need of cuppa number 4. Is that a lot? I have been up since 5:30. I’m at least 3 cuppas away from the shakes so I think I’m okay. Come on! Let’s get a fresh top off and dig around for something to nibble on while we traverse through The Weekend Novelist by Robert J. Ray. I’ll meet you back on the reading rug. And, to whomever is chewing gum, please stop tucking it under the edge of the rug instead of throwing it in the trash. That’s gross.

Writing the Key Scenes

Six Keys to Worship Renewal – Steve Phifer

There are six key scenes we will be learning about in detail through the next six weekends of our journey. The opening and final sequences work as bookends for our story line, so we at least know two. Before we allow our fingers to race across keyboards, create intricate storyboards, or climb Aristotle’s incline, we need to dig out our handy dandy lil notebook. What we need to do first is…write these key scenes in pieces. Jotting down bits of dialogue, main action, stage setup, climax, and that final line that makes your reader rush to turn the page…when you have done all of that, then you need to find a way to connect it to the entire story. Repeat.

See! I have a handy dandy lil notebook for each book I am working on. I practice what I preach.

Adding scenes to our diagram holds two functions: it gives you a visual display of your progress and it gathers all your writing in one place to give your brain a snapshot of your work. After you write your scenes, or fragments in your notebook, organize it in a document in your computer. Don’t make too many changes as you type it in. Keep it fairly raw for future use and modification. Now, you can print these out and build a large three ring binder for each book you work on. Once again, it is all up to you. No matter your choice, computer file or binder, label it “Key Scenes.” The more organized you are now will pay off in spades later.

One of the key messages I am trying to impress upon all of you is write and work smart. This is all about preparation and organization. Dig deep before you write.

duck duck run - The blog post and videos that you just can't help ...

Get all your ducks in a row. Good luck with that. Ducks are erratic creatures. How that example ever became a thing I will never know. Get all your NOTES in a row. We have been doing that all along. Every exercise you have done was meant to help you build on the novel you are creating. Keep working smart.

The Next Six Weekends

Weekend 15- you will write your opening sequence. Keep it short but dramatic.

Weekend 16- we will write the final sequence. Looking ahead to how we will wrap up the entire story. (This can change- don’t sweat it.)

Weekend 17- we will write our climax. The highest point in our story.

Weekend 18- write the mid-point. This happens just before Act Two kicks off. It is where everything begins to turn.

Weekend 19- write plot point one. This is what closes Act One.

Weekend 20- We will write plot point two, which closes off Act Two.


Now that we have an idea of where we are headed, we won’t feel so lost turning down this street. I have given you landmarks to look for and be a bit more prepared. We got this.

KEEP CALM BECAUSE WE GOT THIS.... PAs have things covered | Clever ...

Please remember that I am not trying to write this book for you word for word. I am skipping a lot of detail. I highly suggest you purchase the book and read between the lines.

Polish your sparkle and keep twirling.

Find joy. Be joy. Enjoy.

I’m always looking for new friends!

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Universal Code for O-B*tch-uary:

Universal Code for Sin Full:


Author Page:

Author: Ticia Rani

I am...interesting. I am a writer, dreamer, mom, wife, veteran, friend, villain, and the wearer of many hats, but I don't look good in hats- go figure. I LOVE TO WRITE. I want to tell stories. I want to make you laugh, cry, and scare the crap out of you, and make you ask "why the hell did you do that?" I want to make you cheer my characters on or want to shake the crap out of them for things they say and/or do. I want to bring you along for the ride. Ready? Set?...READ!!!

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