
Writing Emotions: Sadness

Have you ever had someone tell you that you need to appreciate what you have in life and turn your frown upside down? Have you ever just wanted to punch them in the face?

“Be happy with what you have.”

“You should be content with your life.”

Have you ever had someone tell you that you need to appreciate what you have in life and turn your frown upside down? Have you ever just wanted to punch them in the face? Did you know that you can have a gazillion dollars, mansions, and fast cars but still be sad?

No, this isn’t about me. This is about writing the madness that is sadness. You have to remember that sadness doesn’t need an excuse to rear it’s ugly head. Your character can be standing on a beach in Cancun and still burst into tears because they are weighed down by sadness.

Emotions don’t have a rhyme or reason; they just are and that is how you have to approach them when you sit down to write.


adjective, sad·der, sad·dest.

  1. affected by unhappiness or grief; sorrowful or mournful:to feel sad because a close friend has moved away.
  2. expressive of or characterized by sorrow:sad looks;a sad song.
  3. causing sorrow:a sad disappointment;sad news.
  4. (of color) somber, dark, or dull; drab.
  5. deplorably bad; sorry:a sad attempt.
  6. Obsolete. firm or steadfast.

Thank you dictionary.com for your vast wisdom in all things words.

Bad, cold, and bitter coffee makes me sad. At the moment my coffee is cooling rapidly while I chat with you. Let’s go get a fresh cuppa and a delish nibble. I’ll meet you in the kitchen/breakroom to raid the fridge and cabinets for a wonderous yummy. Who brings the best lunch? Should we peek and see what they have? I won’t tell…as long as you share. Go grab that nibble you’ve been drooling over all morning and a fresh cuppa. We’ll meet you out on the reading rug once you figure out how to smuggle it out. Don’t forget your copy of Creating Character Emotions by Ann Hood.

Back to the doom and gloom. So, sadness is the absolute opposite of happiness. If happiness is sunshine, then sadness is the dark of night. It goes from a hug to a shove. Never underestimate the power of sadness over your character(s).  Think about a time when sadness hit you are someone you know. It could be the death love a loved one or the death of a relationship. It could be a simple as waking up that way. What did you see? How did they sound? Now, think about a time when you were wracked with sadness. What did it feel like physically for you? I know it has weighed me down. Like, I had weights strapped to my body. Just walking across the room was a struggle. I also binged on food while lying on the sofa staring at the ceiling.

This isn’t a feeling you write lightly. Okay, let me help you out here, unhappiness is not equal to sadness. Unhappiness is fleeting and does not dig as deep as sadness. We are unhappy when the kitchen messes up a food order, or we are cut off in traffic- it’s simple and forgotten easily. Sadness is a divorce, death, or a missed opportunity. It’s a long-lasting emotion.  It stings long after the moment is over.


  1. Choose a character. Decide they are sad, but nothing has ‘happened’ to cause it. Write this scene WITHOUT reverting to tears. Give your reader a fresh image of how this can look.
  2. Now, take the same character and write a scene using tears. What does that look like? Feel like? Sound like?
  3. When sadness strikes for no reason, it can be very difficult to explain as you are learning. Sadness can suck the oxygen right out of a room. Others can feel the weight of your character’s sadness but if they can’t give a true reason for their feelings, others can become uncaring, even bored. The challenge for you is to explain sadness in a way people can understand. Even if there is no reason.

Good luck!

Please remember that I am not trying to write this book for you word for word. I am skipping a lot of detail. I highly suggest you purchase the book and read between the lines.

Polish your sparkle and keep twirling.

Find joy. Be joy. Enjoy.

I’m always looking for new friends!

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Amazon.com: Time Thief eBook : Warrent, Nella, Meyer, Jessica: Kindle Store

Cuppa Words Authors’ Group (@CuppaWords) / Twitter

Cuppa Words Authors’ Group (@cuppacuppawords) • Instagram photos and videos

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TiciaRani

Twitter: https://twitter.com/WarrentNella

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Nella-Warrent-1863744137235991/?ref=bookmarks

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/B-TCH-UARY-Ticia-Rani-ebook/dp/B07NCG46BX/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=ticia+rani&qid=1573745735&sr=8-1

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nellawarrent/

Universal Code for O-B*tch-uary: https://books2read.com/u/bOZe8o

Universal Code for Sin Full: http://books2read.com/u/m2Vdqd

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Sin-Full-Nella-Warrent/dp/B0858V1PY2/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?keywords=sinful+nella+warrent&qid=1583163265&sr=8-2-fkmr0



We all understand that you can feel completely and utterly alone while sitting in a room full of people. I know I have. Being alone by choice and feeling lonely are very different things. I love being alone. I read, write, paint, cook, drink coffee (duh), and yes, I even clean. Don’t be shocked. We have already established that I am an odd duck.

Alienation                  Desolation                  Heartache                   Solitude         

Aloneness                  Loneliness                  Remoteness               Seclusion                   

Solitary                       Withdrawal

Pick a word, any word- either way they all, in essence, mean the same thing. 

adjective, lone·li·er, lone·li·est.

(Once again, I would like to thank dictionary.com for their wisdom.)

  1. affected with, characterized by, or causing a depressing feeling of being alone; lonesome.
  2. destitute of sympathetic or friendly companionship, intercourse, support, etc.: a lonely exile.
  3. lone; solitary; without company; companionless.
  4. remote from places of human habitation; desolate; unfrequented; bleak: a lonely road.
  5. standing apart; isolated: a lonely tower.

We all understand that you can feel completely and utterly alone while sitting in a room full of people. I know I have. Being alone by choice and feeling lonely are very different things. I love being alone. I read, write, paint, cook, drink coffee (duh), and yes, I even clean. Don’t be shocked. We have already established that I am an odd duck.

Loneliness is a whole different scenario. This is a feeling of loss. It is the feeling of being left out of all the joys people share. It is described in Creating Character Emotions by Ann Hood as a newly single woman seeing families going to church together, or young couples enjoying brunch at the coffee shop she used to share with her ex-boyfriend. Seeing this made her sad and feel lonely.

I feel sad when I see old, crusty, empty cuppas. How lonely must they feel without your love and affection? Come on peeps, let’s go show those cuppas some love. Don’t forget some nibbles. Ya know what I’m gonna snack on? Kettle corn! So, so good. Yummers. Grab yourself a bowl and help yourself. Meet us out on the reading rug when you are done.

Back to Loneliness

Well, I’m not lonely cuz I got you all.

For us writer peeps, writing loneliness is a way to garner sympathy with our readers. How do we do this? You have to draw a picture of struggle. It can be the sense of poverty of self. You must step carefully here because the cliches can storm your plot line. You know the ones…rainy days, that silent phone, messy house, not getting out of bed, and a pile of wadded tissues on the coffee table next to an empty ice cream tub.

Now, you can draw a picture of a weeping woman but switch it up a bit. Have her bawling in the stairwell of her job. Why? Because she got up, got dressed, and went to work. She was strong enough to do that while still feeling lonely. Or…a guy stomping around his house, throwing darts at a board, cursing his situation, but changes his clothes and hits the bar with a friend. He keeps moving forward.

These situations can paint the picture of strength, but it can also be a person hiding their true pain from the world and themselves. This is a storyline you can build on. Peeling back the layers to get to the real pain.

Bad Examples: She felt lonely. He felt lonely…blah, blah, blah. Remember this is where you show not tell. What do you do when you feel lonely? I put on movies that justify how I feel but also show me I can overcome it.


  1. Write a scene of a very happy event like a family get together, wedding, graduation. Write it from the POV of the lonely character. How do other people look to this character? How does the character feel while sitting there?
    1. Write the contradicting emotions- the party versus the lonely person.
  2. Write a page where your character is not only alone but also, you guessed it, lonely. Make sure one does not cause the other. Remember you can be alone and be happy.
    1. This is where you show the difference between alone and lonely.

Please remember that I am not trying to write this book for you word for word. I am skipping a lot of detail. I highly suggest you purchase the book and read between the lines.

Polish your sparkle and keep twirling.

Find joy. Be joy. Enjoy.

I’m always looking for new friends!

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Amazon.com: Time Thief eBook : Warrent, Nella, Meyer, Jessica: Kindle Store

Cuppa Words Authors’ Group (@CuppaWords) / Twitter

Cuppa Words Authors’ Group (@cuppacuppawords) • Instagram photos and videos

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TiciaRani

Twitter: https://twitter.com/WarrentNella

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Nella-Warrent-1863744137235991/?ref=bookmarks

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/B-TCH-UARY-Ticia-Rani-ebook/dp/B07NCG46BX/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=ticia+rani&qid=1573745735&sr=8-1

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nellawarrent/

Universal Code for O-B*tch-uary: https://books2read.com/u/bOZe8o

Universal Code for Sin Full: http://books2read.com/u/m2Vdqd

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Sin-Full-Nella-Warrent/dp/B0858V1PY2/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?keywords=sinful+nella+warrent&qid=1583163265&sr=8-2-fkmr0


My Personal Journey: Insta-Troll

I’m old? Really? I didn’t know.


No, it did not hurt my feelings. The doctors cut them out while removing other crap.

If you jump on over to my Instagram, you’ll see that a gem of a young man blasted me for being old. FOR. BEING. OLD. Did he think I didn’t know I was in my fifties? It’s like pointing out a scar. Did you think I didn’t know it was there?

Let’s run down the list:

  • Wrinkles? Check
  • Gray hair? No, mine is a beautiful silver.
  • Body pain for sleeping wrong? Good Lawd, yes.
  • A hand full of meds each morning because my body hates me? Absolutely.
  • Grumbling about young ‘uns? Flippin whipper snappers. Yup.

I’m not a spring chicken and am cool with it. I have earned every sign of my age. So, what do we do about trolls?

Kill ‘em with kindness.

I read a story where a community in Africa pours love and kindness on someone when they have done something wrong. They don’t spit vitriol back at them. These amazing people remind this person how great they are. They list all the good they have done, reminding them of their own value. When you see and understand your value you learn the value of others.

So, to the young man who pointed out the obvious…

I hope you have a wonderful day and remember that people have feelings. I wish you well.

Polish your sparkle and keep twirling.

Find joy. Be joy. Enjoy.

I’m always looking for new friends!

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Amazon.com: Time Thief eBook : Warrent, Nella, Meyer, Jessica: Kindle Store

Cuppa Words Authors’ Group (@CuppaWords) / Twitter

Cuppa Words Authors’ Group (@cuppacuppawords) • Instagram photos and videos

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TiciaRani

Twitter: https://twitter.com/WarrentNella

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Nella-Warrent-1863744137235991/?ref=bookmarks

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ticia-metheney-22181476/

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/B-TCH-UARY-Ticia-Rani-ebook/dp/B07NCG46BX/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=ticia+rani&qid=1573745735&sr=8-1

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nellawarrent/

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/18848350.Ticia_Rani

Universal Code for O-B*tch-uary: https://books2read.com/u/bOZe8o

Universal Code for Sin Full: http://books2read.com/u/m2Vdqd

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Sin-Full-Nella-Warrent/dp/B0858V1PY2/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?keywords=sinful+nella+warrent&qid=1583163265&sr=8-2-fkmr0

Author Page: amazon.com/author/nellawarrent


Hope Springs Eternal

Seeds are hope. Flowers are joy.


Trying to capture hope in writing is like catching lightning in a bottle. Difficult to say the least. But hope itself means faith and optimism. The two things you need to write this emotion. Hope is sitting in a hospital chair next to a bed waiting for the patient to wake. Joy is when they see their eyes open.

I hope there is more coffee. I hope the Hubs left me some cookies to nibble while sipping my coffee.

I am overjoyed to find both waiting for me. This is proof it doesn’t take much to make me happy and that there is a difference between hope and joy. Hope is the plan where joy is the result. Come on ­ grab that cuppa and snag something to nibble. Don’t forget your copy of Creating Character Emotions by Ann Hood. This won’t take long.

***Tooting my own horn. ***

In my book, Time Thief, my character, Destiny, has dreams of a man she compares all others to. He is her end all be all. She can only hope that a man like him is real. Horacio feels the same of the woman who visits him in his dreams. Imagine their joy when they find each other standing in a tent in the middle of Kansas.

Seeds are the hope. Flowers are the joy.

Hope is the want, the need, the one thing that you believe will bring you joy. In some cases, it could be a bad thing to happen to another. That would fall under the storyline for a villain. Hope doesn’t mean holy. It isn’t required to be something good.

I am not a sports follower, but I have seen men sitting on the edge of their seats with their fingers crossed, mumbling, ‘please, please, please,’ as an athlete does something with a ball. They are hoping for a result. A touchdown, homerun hit, or sliding into base to score.

I hope these posts help you. I hope you find them entertaining and chuckle worthy. I hope you see the links below and at least take a look at the books available. I have tons of hopes. What do you hope for?

Homework ­ ­­– You hope for homework!

Write a hope you had that came true.

Write a hope that did not come true.

Or use the same situation and write how it would play out with both results.

** Find the feelings. These will be separate in every way. Joy, elation, and relief all the way to hurt, sadness, and dismay.

Practice this a few times. Don’t be lazy about it. You know how I feel about the laziness.

Please remember that I am not trying to write this book for you word for word. I am skipping a lot of detail. I highly suggest you purchase the book and read between the lines.

Polish your sparkle and keep twirling.

Find joy. Be joy. Enjoy.

I’m always looking for new friends!

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Amazon.com: Time Thief eBook : Warrent, Nella, Meyer, Jessica: Kindle Store

Cuppa Words Authors’ Group (@CuppaWords) / Twitter

Cuppa Words Authors’ Group (@cuppacuppawords) • Instagram photos and videos

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TiciaRani

Twitter: https://twitter.com/WarrentNella

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Nella-Warrent-1863744137235991/?ref=bookmarks

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ticia-metheney-22181476/

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/B-TCH-UARY-Ticia-Rani-ebook/dp/B07NCG46BX/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=ticia+rani&qid=1573745735&sr=8-1

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nellawarrent/

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/18848350.Ticia_Rani

Universal Code for O-B*tch-uary: https://books2read.com/u/bOZe8o

Universal Code for Sin Full: http://books2read.com/u/m2Vdqd

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Sin-Full-Nella-Warrent/dp/B0858V1PY2/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?keywords=sinful+nella+warrent&qid=1583163265&sr=8-2-fkmr0

Author Page: amazon.com/author/nellawarrent


My Personal Journey: Practical Purging

What do you ‘clean out’ when you purge? Your closet? The garage? The trunk of your car?
How about your life? Do you take steps to clean out the crap in your life? I’m not talking about old scrapbook things. I’m talking about the people that weigh you down.

Spring cleaning!

What do you ‘clean out’ when you purge? Your closet? The garage? The trunk of your car?

How about your life? Do you take steps to clean out the crap in your life? I’m not talking about old scrapbook things. I’m talking about the people that weigh you down.

I LOVE THIS LIST! Grab a copy and build on it.

Here’s some stuff about me y’all don’t know. I am 51 and have had no contact with my extended family for over 24 years. Yup. Years. I also have no intention of reaching out. With my book launches I have gotten an influx of ‘friend requests’ on different social media accts but have deleted them all. Why? Because I will never carry that weight again.

What I mean by weight is the trauma, struggle, judgement, rumors, and abuse in every form. Nope, not gonna do it. I have gotten the obligatory statement of, ‘Ticia, your mother is getting old, and you have family you haven’t talked to in like forever.’

Call me stupid but duh. If I’m in my fifties the chances are pretty good that she is, in fact, getting old. My favorite line in that statement is, YOU haven’t.Isn’t it funny how the blame is always placed on the other person? Don’t get me wrong, peeps, I am not without flaw here. I ain’t perfect and am willing to admit that. I know why I shut that door and have no regrets on doing so, but I am sure I made a blunder or two along the way.

The biggest is closing off my girls from family but that was also why I did it. To close them off from people that would hurt them without pause. I refused to allow that to happen. Growing up sucks, and I am flawed enough to inflict traumatic issues upon my girls all on my own. I was not about to allow people who tormented me as I grew up to inflict the same upon my babies.

The hardest part about closing that door was shutting people behind it that never did me wrong. I know that sounds harsh but hear me out. They are family which means they have contact with those who did do me and mine wrong, and in most cases didn’t believe the things that were said. We want to protect our family members no matter what people say and can prove. ‘They would never!’ Yes, they would. Get your mind out of the creepy-gross possibilities. Yes, that did happen, but trauma is not limited to that.

Any way- back to cleaning. That door, the door that holds all of them back will remain tightly closed with a collection of cobwebs tucked in every corner. The padlock will stay where it is.

On to today’s cleaning.

Today it’s social media. I may not unfriend some people, but I will unfollow with prejudice. If what you post on a regular basis makes my face twist up in disbelief or disgust, then chances are good you will be placed behind a door or removed completely.

What’s funny is people are like, ‘don’t you want the numbers?’ They mean the number of ‘friends’ not actual friends. The answer is no. Yes, I could have a substantial number on my social accts, but I don’t collect numbers. I want to chat with people I enjoy. I want to talk with people I disagree with, but they are open to discussing our differences in an adult fashion. I want people not numbers.

I have several accts, as you know based on all the links I post at the bottom of these pages. Some are cross-over friends while others are different and new. But I will judge you just as harshly. Not only will you not be allowed to attack me, but you will not attack each other on my page. Nope, not gonna happen. I try to have a safe place to talk about anything. There are some weird conversations that occur- not kidding. LOL

Removing people from a social media acct is one thing but removing them from you daily world is another. You would think I would be a pro at this based on how I started this post, but I’m not. Closing that door was easy because I moved away. Like, STATES away. Distance takes away some of the complications. What I’m talking about here is separating yourself from people you can simply bump into at the grocery store. This is harder.

I am still in the midst of doing this with a few people. I’ve talked about this in detail a few posts back if you are needing some back story. Now, you would think it would be done but that would be easy. This has been a process I started a few months ago. You read that right, months. It’s a struggle but I know it will be worth it in the end.

The point here is…

When you start planning your Spring cleaning, think about every aspect of your life that might need some sprucing up. What small act can you do today to remove a long-term obstacle that has been in your way? That can be removing all those clothes you swear you will get into again. They are an obstacle. So is that negative person that greets you every morning on social media or in the breakroom grumbling and hissing about everything. Go to a different breakroom or wait for them to leave before you grab your cuppa.

The longer you are around negative people you become a negative person. You may not be as bad, but it will begin to rub off. Think about who you want to be and surround yourself with those types of people. Dress the part – put on a smile, allow your true glow to flow, and put out what you want in return.

Life is too short to be miserable.



Amazon.com: Time Thief eBook : Warrent, Nella, Meyer, Jessica: Kindle Store

Cuppa Words Authors’ Group (@CuppaWords) / Twitter

Cuppa Words Authors’ Group (@cuppacuppawords) • Instagram photos and videos

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TiciaRani

Twitter: https://twitter.com/WarrentNella

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Nella-Warrent-1863744137235991/?ref=bookmarks

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ticia-metheney-22181476/

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/B-TCH-UARY-Ticia-Rani-ebook/dp/B07NCG46BX/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=ticia+rani&qid=1573745735&sr=8-1

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nellawarrent/

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/18848350.Ticia_Rani

Universal Code for O-B*tch-uary: https://books2read.com/u/bOZe8o

Universal Code for Sin Full: http://books2read.com/u/m2Vdqd

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Sin-Full-Nella-Warrent/dp/B0858V1PY2/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?keywords=sinful+nella+warrent&qid=1583163265&sr=8-2-fkmr0

Author Page: amazon.com/author/nellawarrent

The Loneliness of Distrust

Ever been lied to? Cheated on? Stolen from?

Did you ever fully trust that person ever again?

That my friends, is suspicion. That shadow of doubt that lingers on long after the incident. George Eliot once asked, “What loneliness is more lonely than distrust?” Suspicion is distrust in its truest form, but lacking evidence or proof. You can create a character who is suspicious of another for no provable reason. That would become your story, proving they are right or wrong. Now, if that other person had done them, or someone they love wrong, distrust is easy and in the forefront of the storyline.

Do you trust me? I know you do…right? Hmmm. Anyway, let’s fill our cuppas and grab some nibbles and get down to it. Don’t forget to wash your hands before you go rooting around in other people stuff. In fact, wash your hands after, too. You can’t trust that things are clean these days. Covid sucks and so do the shots. Eeeek! Snag that copy of Creating Character Emotions by Ann Hood and meet us out on the reading rug.

Suspicion and paranoia are two different things but if you aren’t careful in how you write them, they can cross paths. If you create a character who is suspicious of another with no viable reason, you can dip into paranoia quickly. Remember, your reader must feel the same as you create the story. If they can’t follow your characters train of thought or feelings about another character you can lose them.

To write distrust and suspicion in a believable way you must reveal some of the source of the character’s feelings. Maybe they saw the other character holding the hand of a girl who was not their girlfriend. Or lurking around outside a building that was robbed later that evening. Build reasonable doubt.

If you lay it out in the beginning that someone cheated, lied, or stole then it’s easier to follow through on the suspicion and doubt. Then it can be a story of building back someone’s trust or confirm they aren’t worth it. Either way, make it real. Don’t throw your character under the proverbial bus too soon. Your reader’s interest will go right along with it. Why keep reading when you already know what’s gonna happen a third of the way through. Boring.

Even if there isn’t any in-your-face proof of distrust, don’t rule out the feeling a character may have. We have all had that weird twitch at the back of our neck’s when we met someone slightly off center. I’m sure people have felt that way about me. LOL I’m cool with that. I’m an acquired taste. Not for everyone.  Anyway, create that twitch or head tilt when a character assesses that person they just met. The watchful eye they keep to determine the reason for their distrust.

When writing from a child’s perspective, their reasoning can be crazy and outlandish. Their teacher is an alien, or their neighbor is hiding a dead body in the salt can he uses to clear the sidewalks when it snows. (Home Alone) You have the freedom to go overboard when in a child’s mind.  Not so much with adults…right?


  1. Create a child’s crazy distrust for their third-grade teacher: they are an alien, or bank robber, or, even better, an alien bank robber. Have fun with their reasoning.
  2. Create a scene where your character has already proven they are a cheater, liar, or thief. Write how they try to rebuild the trust they have broken.
  3. Your MC has just met the significant other of their best friend. They instantly don’t like them. Why? Show us what they are feeling and why.

Please remember that I am not trying to write this book for you word for word. I am skipping a lot of detail. I highly suggest you purchase the book and read between the lines.

Polish your sparkle and keep twirling.

Find joy. Be joy. Enjoy.

I’m always looking for new friends!

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Amazon.com: Time Thief eBook : Warrent, Nella, Meyer, Jessica: Kindle Store

Cuppa Words Authors’ Group (@CuppaWords) / Twitter

Cuppa Words Authors’ Group (@cuppacuppawords) • Instagram photos and videos

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TiciaRani

Twitter: https://twitter.com/WarrentNella

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Nella-Warrent-1863744137235991/?ref=bookmarks

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/B-TCH-UARY-Ticia-Rani-ebook/dp/B07NCG46BX/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=ticia+rani&qid=1573745735&sr=8-1

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nellawarrent/

Universal Code for O-B*tch-uary: https://books2read.com/u/bOZe8o

Universal Code for Sin Full: http://books2read.com/u/m2Vdqd

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Sin-Full-Nella-Warrent/dp/B0858V1PY2/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?keywords=sinful+nella+warrent&qid=1583163265&sr=8-2-fkmr0