Plotters beat Pantsers

Image result for don't smack me gibbs ncis gif
Gotta Love Gibbs.

Don’t smack me. Read on first.

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Which are you?

Plotting overruns pantsing when it comes to speed. Which are you? A plotter or a pantser? Just be aware there is no wrong answer here.  We will be covering primarily plotting throughout this book. I am a tent-poler- to confuse you further. I plot out a few major points I want to reach and when I need to reach them in the story and then I let my characters get me there. Confused yet? Me too, but that is nothing new. What ever you are or however you get there we all believe our way is the right way. Well, it’s the right write way for us. But we have chosen to read this book and learn from its wisdom. Whether or not we follow its rules is completely up to us in the end.

Image result for take off your pants libbie hawker
Have you gotten you book yet?

Welcome to another fine day at New ink. Used ideas. I am so glad to ‘see’ all your smiling faces. Are you here for me or for Take Off Your Pants! by Libbie Hawker? Either way you are here, and I am thrilled. Now, run along and get your copy of the book, top off your cuppa, and grab a few candy canes off the company Christmas tree to nibble on. Shhhh…I won’t tell. Hurry along. I’ll wait.

What took you soooo long?! Did you get busted stealing candy? Sorry ☹ Be more stealthy next time.

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Keanu Reeves + Speed? Sign me up!

Okie dokie, so we are in it to win it here. Tuck in and get ready for awesome-sauce wisdom like outlining. Um…okay this is supposed to help not necessarily thrill. According to Ms. Hawker, the idea of outlining is to increase our speed and confidence in what we are doing. Which is awesome cuz I am never quite sure what I am doing. She states that speed and volume will be critical to achieving your professional goals. I don’t know about you, but my goal is to become a well-known and enjoyed author. So, I am gonna pay attention. If you are a hobbyist, then being a pantser is absolutely great. My goals are different, but I promise to share all the incite Ms. Hawker provides in our book of choice.

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Guaranteed best seller.

Ms. Hawker is honest in stating that not everyone agrees with the concept that speed is paramount in a writing career. But that is exactly what she believes. When/if you become an author with a strong following, taking your time in getting out your next book can cause you to lose some of your readers. This is why speed can and will matter in the long run. BUT…as your skill and reader base increases, like JK Rowling and Stephen King, it won’t matter your speed. People will rally to buy your books.

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I always thought she needed a timeout…in a cage…with rabid squirrels.

With the growth of the electronic world people want more faster. Producing work at a fast clip is how an author continues to be relevant and popular amongst readers. Full-time authors in all genres, agree that the more books you have out at any given time, the easier it is to make money and ensure your fans buy the next one when it becomes available. It also offers more opportunities to reach more readers. The more titles you have, the more people talk, and the more they talk the more new readers become interested. TaDa! Marketing via mouth to mouth.

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All of this is possible if you are prepared for it. My issue is this- fast doesn’t mean good. I read all the time and find that those who put out a dozen books a year are regurgitating the same plotline over and over and only changing the names. Some people love the repetitive, familiar tropes but some of us want a new idea or storyline.

She believes that in the long run, plotting is a safer business strategy if your goal is to become a full-time, I quit my day job, kind of writer. Which makes sense. But she agrees that pantsing allows discovery and creative juices to fly…but is it faster? Doubtful. Plotting does allow wiggle room. It is not set in stone. Just a guide to get you from point to point in your story.

Do you agree with Ms. Hawker’s beliefs?  Let’s discuss.

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Polish your sparkle and keep twirling.

Find joy. Be joy. Enjoy.

I’m always looking for new friends!








Universal Code:

Just so I stay with you a bit longer…